Bringing restaurants and guests closer together.
Epicuri brings restaurants and their guests closer together by offering guests a convenient way to stay
connected with their favourite restaurants. Browse menus, book tables/takeaways and even order another round
from the ultra convenience of their own smartphone. Offered uniquely by Epicuri and to great benefit to the
Our mission is to apply technology to create a free flowing and memorable dining experience for both guest
and staff, whilst retaining the all-important personal touch.

Iksit Gadhia
CEO and full-time geezer. Iksit is the creative spark behind Epicuri. He sports a beard and glasses, because he thinks it makes him look clever.

Manish Patel
CTO and full-time nerd. Manish is the technical guy who makes things work (generally). He has no beard and no hair, which makes him perfect for being hidden from the public eye.

David McIntosh
Head of Sales
After 25 years of EPOS sales, it took David less than 25 minutes to realise Epicuri had the best solution. Most likely to say "I remember when the ..." zzzzzzz, least likely to say "Just one glass of that vintage Rioja is enough, thanks!"

Nikola Samardzija
Android Geek
Responsible for much of the magic behind Epicuri, Nikola spends much of his time keyboard bashing. Caution: do not approach when there is a bug.

Marko Popic
iOS Nutter
Our go-to guy for all things Apple. We believe Marko was cloned from a popular 1990s gangster game, but no one really knows for sure...

Enterprise Support
A small army of very smart IT support professionals ready to answer every question and solve every issue by phone or email.
Our Mentors
In addition, we have industry veterans, serial restauranteurs, hospitality consultants, business mentors and investors (love you!) all helping to build value into Epicuri. Together we ensure Epicuri keeps delivering on its promise to use all technology at our disposal to actively support restaurants in building their brand and business.